Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.
This year was no exception.
It was great to spend the holidays with family and to share our new bundle of joy with them.
Having a baby around Christmas made me stop and think about Mary bringing baby Jesus into this world. What a very special and sacred calling she had as his mother.
This Christmas we acted out Luke 2. My dad read while the kids acted it out.
It was quite funny, especially me riding in on Tanner, the donkey.
The whole gang: Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Angel, Shepherds, Donkey, Wise Man, and Director.
Christmas Eve photos of the kiddos and their moms.
And the grandparents. They sure love their grandkids!
Christmas Day was wonderful. We were able to spend the day with both of our families.
Kate was loved and got some newborn clothes, books, moccasins, a doll and a lamb stuffed animal.
I'm not sure what Noah thought of Kate but I know one of these days they will have so much fun playing together. |
Christmas break was wonderful as we spent time with family and friends,
snapped lots of pictures of our new born baby with our new camera
and snuggled our little baby Kate!